如來無所不應,如來無所不住,以其無住為定,所以非有一個定可修,不迷而已,因不迷而生慧,慧則可用,應一切相,呈一切相,而不迷,所以定慧一體,體用同時。【日何曾起落,爰汝被境戲,心地又一景 ,不著現豁日】。
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生命...只是你追逐的一個影像...! 你的影子是你,也不是你,只能遠觀..不能近玩...! |
卿本無事,奈何多情,天地悠悠,萬物滄桑,心本豁然 !
後記:人生...30而立,40不惑, 50知天命,60耳順, 70 隨心所欲而不逾矩..。不敢孤獨,何能獨立? 不能立..必有惑? 不知天命..如何耳順? 我們始終在看著.. 成住壞空...,我們始終在聽著.. 生住意滅..,體悟了這一切,所見無不平,所聞無不順...心無所求,道法自然,自然能 隨心所欲了。..啊..【萬物似幻化,終當歸空無】。
111.11.26 勝法
外面的環境無法掌握,外境..成、住、壞、空,因緣合和,它生滅無常,所以因緣本空。知道這個道理,而不迷於因緣法,叫做 空正見。
然而心未生之時本是清淨,清淨的本心。內在的心境是你對外境的認知、感覺,叫做五蘊,色、受、想、行、識,五蘊是心的造作,五蘊本空並無實性。知道本心清淨而不起五蘊,追逐幻境,叫做 正知見。所謂 正見無見 是為 正知見。
修證了空正見,正知見,找回生命的本來面目...,回到如如不動的本處,叫做 寂滅見。
勝法 2022.8.23
Life.. both face the environment and face the mentality. However, we always live in the state of mind, and the state of mind arises and disappears with the external environment, and is fascinated by the phenomena of the external environment, which is called illusion.
Since the external environment cannot be grasped, it becomes empty and rotten, life and death come and go, which are impermanent, so karma is originally empty. Knowing this truth and not getting lost in karma is called the right view of emptiness.
However, when the mind is not born, it is originally pure, the original mind is pure. The inner state of mind is your understanding and feeling of the external environment, which comes from form, feeling, thinking, action, and consciousness. These five mental activities are called the five aggregates. The five aggregates are originally empty, which have no reality, it is a delusional activity of the mind. Knowing that the original mind is pure and does not produce the five aggregates and chasing the illusion is called the right view of empty mind. Which is also call the righe view of consciousness.
Practice the right view of emptiness, the right view of empty mind, find the truth of life, and return to the original untainted place, which is called the right view of annihilation.
Prof, you already gave many things in my life. Your life style have teached me how to assist the student and other people. I learnt from you how to give the solution, how to build a relation with the student, not just as supervisor but also like father and son relationship. Thank you very much Prof, God bless you.
Yes, I am glad to hear that. So let’s encourage each other that we Will continuously make ourselves stronger and never forget to encourage people around you and give Warms to others. And believe what you ever did to others, ultimately it will return to you. Good bless you and your family.
今年(2022, 7.30), Dino又給我來信:
Prof, I always remember this statement. I have implemented it to my student. There were two students who graduated yesterday.
When I arrived last year, they were hopeless to finish their study because they failed several times on proposal defense..
Dino: good job. I am touched in heart to hear this story from you.
Yes, this is the rule to make the world brighter. Move on, let's hold hands and spread this light around the world. Let people not have darkness in their hearts.
There are always hard time in our life. This hard time is a challenge before success. It is a test from God.
It challenge your mind to deserve this honor. Once you pass, it is called success and you are proud of yourself, you make yourself stronger than before. Let's encourage each other. :--)
勝法 2022.7.31